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最后编辑Outoffram于2021-12-04 12:03:39.


Salt.png 是游戏中最基本的货币,大多数的物品,食物以及升级都可以用它买到,等同于钱。它可以从一些宝箱中获得,打怪也可能会掉落。比如金甲虫,每打一下都会掉钱,这也是游戏中快速获取钱的一种方式。


Gear Parts

Gear Part.png 装备零件s are special currency required to purchase upgrades to weapons power & holding capacity. They're found infrequently in chests and after encounters, but provide essential upgrades and it's important to utilize them.

Advanced Gear Part.png 高级装备零件s are a higher value form of Gear Parts, used for higher level upgrades.

The number of Gear Parts, and Advanced Gear parts is displayed on the right side of the Backpack window.


Token.png 代币s can be found in chests, and purchased from some later game merchants. Each token can be exchanged for a Pixball at machines outside stores throughout the game. When interacting with a Pixball machine or a merchant the total pixball count will display.