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This Page serves as a treasure hunting guide, listing all treasures present in the chapters.
The blue-ish cooler boxes containing food ingredients do not count toward the treasure achievement and are not listed here.

A total of 102 treasures can be found in the game. If not otherwise stated the treasures have to be collected in the respective chapters (with some exceptions) as there is no way to go back to an area once you have left.

Area Treasures
Prologue 6
Chapter 1 18
Chapter 2 23

Types of Treasure Boxes


6 treasures can be found and accessed in the Prologue. These can also be collected during Chapter 1, as both play in the same area.

Potcrock Isle

Treasure Area Treasure Content Treasure Access Treasure Location Map Location
Potcrock Isle Salt.png
Salt (50)
Walk down and to the right.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Digger Dorms Salt.png
Salt (50)
Enter the rightmost door in the digger dorms.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Mayors Estate Token.png
Token (3)
Walk up the stairs on the left side of the mayors estate. Walk right until you hit the wall and slightly down to find a secret passage to access the chest.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Dig Site Gear Part.png
Gear Part
Bomb the boxes blocking the way to the cracked wall. Then bomb the wall.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Potcrock Isle Salt.png
Salt (50)
Between the two houses at the sunnyside ranch.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Potcrock Isle Salt.png
Salt (50)
Next to the bottom left camper.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map

Chapter 1

18 treasures can be found and accessed in Chapter 1.

Potcrock Isle

Treasure Area Treasure Content Treasure Access Treasure Location Map Location
Potcrock School Token.png
Token (3)
Enter Classroom b3. The chest is located behind the right desk.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Beneath the School Heart Orb.png
Heart Orb
The treasure is located on the left side of the map. Smash a few boxes and kill a few snake monsters to get to the heart orb.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Dig Site Token.png
Token (3)
While Sam is looking for gel for John, enter the dig site to the top, go left and use an energy bubble on the plants. Go down and left to find the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map

Ancient Ruins

Treasure Area Treasure Content Treasure Access Treasure Location Map Location
Ancient Ruins, Top floor. Salt.png
Salt (50)
The treasure is visible when progressing through the area. To get to it, walk up and around, through a closed door and pull out the chest from between the rubble.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Ancient Ruins, Bottom floor. Salt.png
Salt (50)
In the bottom right area, move both wardrobes to the left to access the door.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Ancient Ruins, Bottom floor. Token.png
Token (3)
While progressing, look for a secret passage on the left below the room with the key, behind some shelves.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Ancient Ruins, Bottom floor. Heart Orb.png
Heart Orb
After opening the locked door, pull the wardrobe to the side to access the door to the room with the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Ancient Ruins, Basement. Gear Part.png
Gear Part
Go down to open the door and access the chest.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Ancient Ruins, Top Floor. Gear Part.png
Gear Part
After progressing through the pile of rubble after the cable puzzle, go to the left hand side of the map. Bomb the boxes in the path to access the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Ancient Ruins, After Boss Fight. Heart Orb.png
Heart Orb
After entering the area from the left as Sam, enter the S-shaped area of shelves. Go up, right, then down, passing three snakes and two mushrooms.
Treasure location in the world. Image gain boosted to improve visibility.
Map Unavailable

Underground Tunnel

During "Prison Break"

Treasure Area Treasure Content Treasure Access Treasure Location Map Location
Underground Tunnel Token.png
Token (3)
After turning off the steam and heading down the stairs, stop in the middle of the underground passage and head north to find a secret passage to the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Underground Tunnel Salt.png
Salt (50)
Kill the two snake plants and walk left to find a secret passage to the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Underground Tunnel Token.png
Token (3)
Walk into the fairly obvious side passage. Go up and right to reach the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Underground Tunnel Heart Orb.png
Heart Orb
Smash the boxes and walk south. Walk through the secret passage near the pipe to reach the heart orb.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Underground Tunnel Gear Part.png
Gear Part
When turning the steam vents with Sam, open the path for John to walk all the way to the left. Get John to safety and then rotate leftmost vent one more time to open the passage to the south. Walk down to access the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Underground Tunnel Salt.png
Salt (50)
When opening the door for John with a button, walk past the two blue mushrooms on the left side to find a secret passage to the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Underground Tunnel Gear Part.png
Gear Part
Bomb the boxes on the top left to access the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Underground Tunnel Heart Orb.png
Heart Orb
Open the door and walk into the room. It's really that simple.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map

Chapter 2

23 treasures can be found and accessed in Chapter 2


Treasure Area Treasure Content Treasure Access Treasure Location Map Location
Valley Salt.png
Salt (50)
Just grab it while walking past. Located on the way to the bridge.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Hunter's Cabin Token.png
Token (3)
Walk up behind the cabin until you reach a tree with a bicycle inside. Walk left and up to reach the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map


Treasure Area Treasure Content Treasure Access Treasure Location Map Location
Greenberg Wheat Field Token.png
Token (3)
Enter the lower area on the right side of town. Walk down and left, pass behind the lighthouse and go down to reach the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
The Woodwhale Salt.png
Salt (50)
Enter the Woodwhale. The treasure is in the back left of the room.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Behind the Woodwhale Salt.png
Salt (50)
Go left behind the woodwhale to find the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map

The Forest

Treasure Area Treasure Content Treasure Access Treasure Location Map Location
Forest Entrance Heart Orb.png
Heart Orb
Switch to Sam and move through the tunnel to access the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Forest Entrance Gear Part.png
Gear Part
Go North, kill the [[]] and open the chest.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Strange Forest Token.png
Token (3)
After opening the locked door, go left and slightly down to find a hidden passage leading to a room with treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Strange Forest Heart Orb.png
Heart Orb
After crossing the river via the bus, exit the area by going right and down. Destroy a few plants with Sams ability and then use the raft to reach the island with the heart orb.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Strange Forest Salt.png
Salt (50)
Destroy a few plants with Sams ability and kill the two [[]] to access the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map

The Factory

Treasure Area Treasure Content Treasure Access Treasure Location Map Location
Inside the Factory Gear Part.png
Gear Part
Before activating the computer inside the factory, go left through the tunnel to enter the room with the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map

New Dam City

These Treasures can also be picked up in Chapter 3.

Treasure Area Treasure Content Treasure Access Treasure Location Map Location
Uptown Token.png
Token (3)
The treasure can be found in the area the cleaning bot is patrolling. The treasure is located under a corrugated roof with two bikes, behind the bikes.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Princess Avenue Advanced Gear Part.png
Advanced Gear Part
The treasure is located behind a chain link fence. Go left and up into the small alley and walk right.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
(Jazz 21)
Salt (50)
The treasure can be found in the entry area of Jazz 21.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Midtown Gear Part.png
Gear Part
The treasure is located behind the Brotherhood Construction people. Enter the secret passage from the left, go up and right to reach the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map

City Outskirts

These Treasures can also be picked up in Chapter 3.

Treasure Area Treasure Content Treasure Access Treasure Location Map Location
The Cow Level Heart Orb.png
Heart Orb
Reaching this heart orb takes a bit more effort. To reach the area, go right after entering the lake area and bomb the stones to access the stairs. Go down and fight the teleporting cows to unlock the stairs and access the heart orb.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Old Town Road Token.png
Walk left between the two old lanterns to find the secret passage to the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Old Town (Entrance) Gear Part.png
Gear Part
When exiting oldtown, burn the plants to the south to access the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map


Treasure Area Treasure Content Treasure Access Treasure Location Map Location
Oldtown (Entrance) Gear Part.png
Gear Part
After entering Oldtown, clear the Miasma and take the path north. Go left and down into the room and pull the chest out from behind a few trees.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Oldtown "Friends of Johnny" Card.png
"Friends of Johnny" Card
In the area after getting the Scepter of Flame burn the plants and walk left and down to reach the room with the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Oldtown Advanced Gear Part.png
Advanced Gear Part
In the building after getting the Scepter of Flame, go up and solve the switch puzzle to access the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Oldtown Heart Orb.png
Heart Orb
Walk down, burn the plants, continue south to kill the Zombies and access the heart orb.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map
Oldtown Salt.png
Salt (100)
Walk up and around the right side of the building to enter the room with the chest.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map

Chapter 3

New Dam City

Treasure Area Treasure Content Treasure Access Treasure Location Map Location
Coin Palace Salt.png
Salt (50)
Before meeting Lee for the first time, walk to the right of the hallway to find the treasure.
Treasure location in the world
Treasure location on the map

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6